yay!!!i got my gold star medal fianally!!!=D after w8ting so long =,='' hai...so pro mi =) todea wake up 12pm=,= ytd go play pool wif cousin till like 1am ?!?!?._. then tok wif bernard agian tok till he tired then sleep i still nid go home=,= then reach le 3am le=.= send a best of luk sms to zi qing for her competition then sleep then 8.42 awoke by zi qing sms of thx. then sms awhile doze off agian =,= sleep till 12....then play com... "SuPa JuNiOr~~weeeessx)
arbo==?" today wake up like 9am.as usual tok wif bernard but ytd wif phyu^^ so we tok tok tok then phyu say nid do something so she off then err mi n bernard continue tok!!muahahah so fun n bored T.T i dun like holidays i wan go back school =( i dunno how will i survive in june n december holidays...hai...anyways after then go back my condo clean the house up as going to rent to someone edi T.T sobs*...those hu dunno i hav condo now u noe cuz i hardly go back there=,= see those pics!!!=) byee "SuPa JuNiOr~~weeeessx)
arbo==?" errr....saturday morning go malaysia then wake up so dam early....make a playlist in my mp3 then...go custom hear hear hear then sleep...hai...so boring...we go port dickson 1st then see beach...stay in water chalet!!so big o.o the chalet compare to singapore one is like peanut=,= thenext day go malacca eat eat eat lunch in nyonya food dinner go johor eat claypot rice =)then finish le go custom!!my father so smart go cut the que=) hahas so we veli fast past le!!then move move move go back home i sleep..kk byebye "SuPa JuNiOr~~weeeessx)
arbo==?" hhhhhaaaaaaaa..........todea school as usual...bored....=(....then after school i go home change then go play pool wif jason yongxin...then i ask felicia n how ying come along...so we play till like 5++then the 2 gal come...omfg...then look so difff....:/...hai...then i pay...so we walk to the bus then suddenly i feel my pocket then AHHHHHHHHH I LOST MY WALLET!!!!=,= eeeeeetai!!! "SuPa JuNiOr~~weeeessx)
arbo==?" hihi!!!hmm...todea school as usual as boring....so nvm...we w8 till after school mi n jason n yongxin went to sakea sushi in century square!!so we walk walk walk to basement then go in sit...then suddenly behind mi a gal voice call mi then i see..then she say like....sean sean..hello...rmb mi anot...then i like ya..u are jane...then she say she noe jason then ok luh!!then we eat eat eat then jason n mi challenge yongxin see who eat more yongxin 1 team mi n jason 1 team hahas..in the end yongxin give up we win!!!anyways we still enjoy mi self!!hope jason tomolo no stomach ache-=D "SuPa JuNiOr~~weeeessx)
arbo==?" crap todea nv go school agian>< throat pain untill cannot tok....hai....so bored at home...=( bb "SuPa JuNiOr~~weeeessx)
arbo==?" ahhh crap...todea soar throat-,-...then go school as normal test here test there...then ltr go archery should not hav shoot till top 3....zzzzzzz....i dun wan go up take trophie T.T...hai....i guess no choice...=( bb "SuPa JuNiOr~~weeeessx)
arbo==?" todea..hmmmmm...i dunno...haha...i noe english got relive cher then mi bernard at 1st started like playing...errr..the starring game hahas then we stare stare stare then see hu laugh 1st littat^^ then after tat camereon come then i got tis idea like 2 person starring then the one not starring must keep doing stuuf to make the 2 person laugh!!so fun!!so its like we make faces all tis hahas anywayss..enjoy another vid from jay!!!battle of piano hahas=D buaxiii!! "SuPa JuNiOr~~weeeessx)
arbo==?" |
sEaN or jess =DD
![]() 1st time see doctor face..on>> 07/05/1995!!! Email:megalife122@hotmail.com =x im a singaporean.. so i naturally speak err english,chinese,n SINGLISH!!
TaggEEDD plss D:
super junior fan stuff
![]() Eindah :DDDD !! daphne=) feliciaXD wei lynn>< valerie=D ahzhimah XD peishan=D 2n1 class...=D trina^^=D lao shi(<<) vanessa=x simning^^ stanley>. Tina<3 PHYU!!!!=DD jie(audi)^^ nikkie =x reminisce
January 2009 February 2009 March 2009 April 2009 May 2009 June 2009 July 2009 August 2009 September 2009 October 2009 November 2009 adulation basecodes by: detonatedlove/♥s} images: photobucket,photoshopCSportable youngwoonie.lj designer: rainMUSIQUE |